Register For An Account


You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System of Records.
Authority: Any information collected is governed by and in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended by 5 U.S.C. Section 552a and 88 FR 60442 Information Technology Access and Audit Records.
Purpose: The purpose of the data collected is to control and to track individuals' access to and use of the and it's community. This data collected consists of your first name, last name, official work email address, and employing organization. If you choose to register your Common Access Card (CAC) for authentication purpose, data collected may also include your EDIPI (DoD ID Number). See the System of Record Notice 88 FR 60442; Information Technology Access and Audit Records (ITAAR).
Routine Uses: This information may be disclosed to agency workforce and contractors who have been engaged by the agency to assist in the performance of routine services related to this system and will only be used by staff in accordance with official duties to manage agency programs and other uses as specified in 88 FR 60442.
Disclosure: Voluntary. However, if the above information is not provided, the user will not be permitted to register or use or it's community.
Alteration or Amendment: Portal users have the ability to have inaccurate personal information stored within the portal amended or corrected by contacting the portal administrator at
Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Work Email Address
Time Zone
Confirm Password
Password Question
Password Answer
Professional Information
Are you a Business or Engineering User?
Are you a Government or Industry User?
Service Affiliation
I work on programs for...

Portal Account Permissions
Unless you are requesting a public account on the LT2 Portal, you must read and agree to the LT2 Portal Security Policy
Agree to the Portal Security Policy?
Access Level Requested