Release Date
December 18, 2024
Allowed attachments to have reversions on CACPs
December 11, 2024
Updated validation on user registration page
August 15, 2024
Updated Privacy Advisory on the user registration page
January 30, 2024
Upgraded Angular framework
October 3, 2023
Added Privacy Advisory on the user registration page
September 28, 2023
Changes to the user information pages on the Calendar, Collaboration
and Asset Repository
September 15, 2023
Changes to User Registration
August 10, 2023
New LTS PDK page
June 22, 2023
Enhancements to SOA Services section
May 26, 2023
Upgraded angular framework and added a capability to purge
March 2, 2023
Upgraded Telerik and added consent window on account registration
January 12, 2023
Upgraded portal framework and added a new asset type
November 17, 2022
Upgraded Angular framework
September 8, 2022
Enhancements to issue tracker module
July 19, 2022
Ability for administrators to unregister CAC associated with
any users
May 23, 2022
Enhancements to CACP section and collaboration
March 31, 2022
Updated 2-Factor Authentication
March 28, 2022
Added 2-Factor Authentication
December 9, 2021
Upgraded portal framework
September 30, 2021
More changes to be FIPS Compliant
September 9, 2021
Changes related to FIPS Compliancy
August 12, 2021
Updated the sign-in sections, enhancements to CACP section
May 6, 2021
Updated Angular framework
February 12, 2021
Updated search framework, importing issues from a CSV file
December 17, 2020
Updated charts
September 24, 2020
Updated L&F for News and CACP sections, enhacements to user
registration and validation
May 21, 2020
Upgraded portal framework
January 14, 2020
Logging enhancements
January 10, 2020
Changes for issue tracker integration with ATMP
March 15, 2019
Upgraded portal framework, Enhancements to user accounts and
September 29, 2017
Added CAC login option, Enhancements to CACP section and search
May 18, 2017
Enhancements to search
February 23, 2017
Integrated CACP with JIRA and enhancements to search
September 30, 2016
Integrated new Full Text Search capability using Apache Solr
August 26, 2016
Enhancements to CACP, Issue Tracker, News Event Tracker and
Skin modules.
March 4, 2016
Updated SOA service module to read new CTIA file names
October 23, 2015
Portal framework has been updated
August 7, 2015
Finer grained permissions on Help Desk, Document Library and
CACP modules
May 8, 2015
Enhancements to CACP, Asset Browser, and new capability to
serve Flare documents
February 6, 2015
Enhancements to SOA services, increased CACP details response
time, Enahacnement to Issue Tracker and Jira integration
November 6, 2014
New hardware and new email id for feedback
October 24, 2014
Enhancements to SOA services, Added DoD Consent Banner, Increased
password strength requirements
September 22, 2014
Issue Tracker integration with JIRA
June 27, 2014
Initial SOA Services support
April 25, 2014
Granular permissions in CACP.
April 15, 2014
Added video streaming capabilities to the front page, improved
file downloads.
March 14, 2014
Updates to FAQ, Glossary, Collaboration, CACP, New Milestone
Plugins support.
December 12, 2013
Completely new look and feel.
October 4, 2013
Added Dash Numbers to Document Number Generator, New ability
to customize fields in the Issue Tracker, New short URL's for Products and Architectures,
Many other enhancements.
June 13, 2013
Added Drawings and Parts Lists to the Document Number Generator,
Added Standards Pages, Updated CACP, Updated Document Library, Improved Issue Tracker
Performance, Minor Bug Fixes
May 30, 2013
Added PM TRADE Interface Standards WG Link to the Front Page,
Minor Bug Fixes
April 16, 2013
New Forums, Upgraded Framework, New Signin
February 8, 2013
New Document Number Generator, new RSS feed, and Technology
November 19, 2012
Added Requirements Automation, Enhanced Scorecard, Standards
and ICDs, CACP, Collaborations, and CAWG Meeting Topics
August 31, 2012
Added Scorecard, Enhancements to Dashboards, Issue Tracker,
CACP, Document Library, and Asset Repository
May 24, 2012
Updated Portal Framework, new Add Asset Screens, IAVA Tracker,
CACP Area, Dashboards, and RFID Enhancements
February 15, 2012
New Issue Tracker look and feel, enhanced Issue Tracker functionality,
Collaboration, Files, and CACP enhancements
November 4, 2011
New Asset Browser Look and Feel, New User Registration/Account
Area, New User Demographoc Dashboards and Statistics
July 18, 2011
Front Page Subscriptions, Front Page Automation, CACP Area,
Collaboration Enhancements
May 3, 2011
New Skin, IAVA Tracker, RFID Code Generator
February 25, 2011
New Dashboards, War Fighter Focus Issue Tracker integration
November 19, 2010
New LT2 Portal home page.
September 3, 2010
Improved asset upload web service, improvments to ACP and C2P
areas, new CWG meeting area in Components Help Desk, bug fixes and enhancements.
May 17, 2010
Improved portal performance, new asset upload web service,
improved popups in repository and files areas, bug fixes and enhancements.
February 19, 2010
New public collaboration areas, improved LT2 Component-Product
relationships, new Component pedigree, new Product Installation importer, bug fixes.
December 11, 2009
New Collaboration Files and Calendar areas, Outlook capability
in Collaboration Email, C2P-Issue Tracker integration, bug fixes and enhancements.
August 7, 2009
New Architecture Change Process area, new C2P metrics, new
Component Dependency Import tool, new Hardware specifications area.
May 29, 2009
New C2P area, updated files area and read-only permissions
in collaborations, new component requirements search, and minor bug fixes.
March 13, 2009
Portal framework updated, collaboration improvements, new success
notifications, new site metrics, minor bug fixes.
December 19, 2008
New success/error messages, new ICD revision entry, new Architect
Hours page, new tutorials, help desk custom links, new issue tracker subscription
October 17, 2008
Updated toolbars throughout the portal, issue tracker enhancements,
C3P enhancements, asset report enhancements, repository enhancements, collaboration
and glossary enhancements.
August 11, 2008
New database schema and asset entry workflow in asset browser,
updated icons, new links module, numerous enhancements and bug fixes.
May 30, 2008
New logout popup, Asset Browser and Product enhancements, Architecture
and Product performance improved, Document Library and Help Desk enhancements
March 31, 2008
New look and feel, new Document Library, AssetBrowser, Product,
and Architecture enhancements.
February 1, 2008
Addition of CCCP module, Group Email and Help Desk enhancements,
and minor bug fixes.
December 20, 2007
Addition of Products area, addition of Help Desk, Group Email
interface update, Asset Browser Administrative area update, Course Catalog courses
can be deleted, and numerous minor bug fixes.
October 31, 2007
Addition of Group Email, addition of Portal footer, software
components associated with architectures, numerous minor enhancements, and minor
bug fixes.
August 28, 2007
Upgrade to DotNetNuke 4.5.5, Conversion to Common Portal Engine
baseline, Enhancements to FileGatekeeper, numerous minor enhancements and fixes.
July 20, 2007
Enhancements to the Asset Browser, enhancements to Rucksack,
addition of administrative reset password functionality, and numerous minor bug
June 25, 2007
Addition of Portal Search, addition of Subscriptions Manager,
addition of LT2 Help Desk, numerous enhancements and numerous minor bug fixes.
April 16, 2007
Addition of Tutorial and Course Catalog, addition of Asset
Creation Wizard and Asset Reports, numerous look and feel enhancements and minor
bug fixes.
February 9, 2007
Addition of LT2 Document Library and LT2 Glossary, and Enhancements
to Collaboration Areas, Asset Browser, Metrics, CTIA, and many other areas.
Version 11.0 (December 18, 2024)
- Allowed attachments to have reversions on CACPs
- Security policy link is made configurable
- Updated the contents of the DA request email
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 10.0.2 (December 11, 2024)
- Updated validation on the user registration page
- Fixed a display issue on the home page when not signed in
Version 10.0.1 (August 15, 2024)
- Updated Privacy Advisory on the user registration page
Version 10.0 (January 30, 2024)
- Upgraded Angular framework
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 9.11.1 (October 3, 2023)
- Added Privacy Advisory on the user registration page
Version 9.11 (September 28, 2023)
- Modified the user information pages on the Calendar, Collaboration and Asset Repository
Version 9.10 (September 15, 2023)
- Changes to User Registration
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 9.9 (August 10, 2023)
- Added LTS PDK page
- Updated the text related to uploading Distribution Agreement emails to be clearer
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 9.8 (June 22, 2023)
- Updated the SOA Services section to be able to process latest contracts and services
based on the changes to Ivy repository
Version 9.7 (May 26, 2023)
- Added the ability to purge products, product versions, product revisions, architecture
versions and revisions
- Upgraded Angular framework
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 9.6 (March 2, 2023)
- Upgraded Telerik
- Added a consent window on user account registration page
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 9.5 (January 12, 2023)
- Upgraded portal framework
- Added new Asset Type for Standards Tools
Version 9.4 (November 17, 2022)
- Upgraded Angular framework
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 9.3 (September 8, 2022)
- Account administrators now have the ability to unregister CAC associated with any
Version 9.2 (July 19, 2022)
- Updated the issue tracker module to support new version of Jira
Version 9.1 (May 23, 2022)
- Person to Contact on the CACP section now has the same permissions as the submitter
for editing a CACP
- Updated the new collaboration request section to be clearer on the data that is
- Added a CUI banner on community collaborations
Version 9.0.1 (March 31, 2022)
- Updated 2-Factor Authentication
Version 9.0 (March 28, 2022)
- Added 2-Factor Authentication
Version 8.4 (December 9, 2021)
- Upgraded portal framework
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 8.3 (September 30, 2021)
- More changes to be FIPS Compliant
Version 8.2 (September 9, 2021)
- Changes related to be FIPS Compliant
- Fixed an issue where version drop down on the Asset Browser product page is not
working in some instances
Version 8.1 (August 12, 2021)
- Updated the sign-in sections
- Removed Angular v1.x
- Updated the CACP section to provide an ability to configure where to use Program
field options
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 8.0 (May 6, 2021)
- Upgraded the Angular framework
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 7.3 (February 12, 2021)
- Upgraded the search framework
- Added a feature to allow administrators to import issues from a CSV file in the
Issue Tracker
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 7.2 (December 17, 2020)
- Converted Dashboard charts to C3.js
- Converted Issue Tracker charts to C3.js
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 7.1 (September 24, 2020)
- Updated L&F of News Events Briefing section/li>
- Updated L&F of Core Asset Change Proposals Section
- Added a feature to make fields mandatory when submitting a CACP
- Added the capability to subscribe for email notifications when new versions and
revisions of products and architectures are approved on the portal
- Updated the user registration and validation emails text to be more informative
and clear
- Updated user validation section
- Fixed an issue where updating a document's file to a file with the same name caused
an error in Document Library
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 7.0 (May 21, 2020)
- Upgraded portal framework
- Updated Standards section to reflect name change of PM TRADE to PM ST
- Fixed a bug in Document Library where adding new document was failing on Microsoft
Edge browser
- Updated email text on user management to provide users all the required information
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 6.5.2 (January 14, 2020)
Version 6.5.1 (January 10, 2020)
- Changes for issue tracker integration with ATMP
Version 6.5 (March 15, 2019)
- Upgraded portal framework
- Updated L&F of Document Library, SOA Services, Search Results Page and User Account
Management sections
- Integrated new search on Help Desk, Collaboration, Collaboration Files, Issue Tracker,
SOA Services and Document Library sections
- Enhanced Issue Tracker and Jira integration
- Updated CAC authentication to remove port reference
- Added email validation and Distribution Agreement upload capability for user accounts
- Added expiration date on the user accounts.
- Portal allows users to request their role change from “Manage My Accounts” page
- Added the capability to deprecated SOA services and contracts
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 6.4 (September 29, 2017)
- Added CAC authentication as an option to login to portal. Login to the portal with
your username and password and go to Support -> Manage CAC and register your CAC.
After registering, the same CAC can be used to login to portal.
- Several enhancements to CACP section. Added a new state “Verifying”. Removed unused
fields and added several fields to a CACP. Modified impact assessments section.
- Include Issue Tracker attachments in search results
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 6.3 (May 18, 2017)
- Improved Search Results page UI.
- Glossary, Document Number, CACP, Hardware Specs, DB schemas, Components, Tools,
and Milestone Plugins are indexed for searching.
- Approved Collaboration Subscription sends notification email to Subscribed Users
only if they are Admins when Invite Only Collaboration is approved.
- Unapproved SOA services and contracts and unapproved events, news and briefings
are added to CCB view.
- Added additional logs to Sign In module.
- Made improvements to CACP and JIRA integration to work with current JIRA configuration.
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
Version 6.2 (February 23, 2017)
- Added filtering capability on the search results page.
- Products, Architectures and SOA services are indexed for searching.
- Added ability to view the modified date on files and folders in Collaboration areas
- Added tool tips on SOA details view page for Files and Documents, and Approved Date
for the release version.
- Added Event logging for Search Results Module to track search terms
- Portal sends emails to submitters for CACPs open past Anticipated Release.
- Portal sends impact assessment reminder emails based on a settings on the state.
- Initial integration of CACPs with JIRA to display CACP status on JIRA PTR.
- Several other minor bug fixes.
Version 6.1 (September 30, 2016)
- Integrated new Full Text Search capability using Apache Solr
- Following modules are Indexed in this initial release ICDs Portal pages Documents
in Document Library Files in Collaborations. Issues in Collaborations and Helpdesks
- Several other minor bug fixes
Version 6.0 (August 26, 2016)
- Included CACP Id on the emails sent out from CACP area.
- CACP creators can edit the description field once a CACP is created.
- In CACP area, fixed a bug where Govt. Lead(s) column was getting cut off.
- In CACP, users will get auto subscribed to the CACP they comment to.
- Fixed issue if the user is typing in description field for extended period of time
in the CACP module the session times out but the login window is not shown. Now,
the session will extend as long as the browser notices key board actions.
- Converted videos tag in News Event Tracker to HTML5.
- Issue Tracker will show "Impact if Not Implemented" field when creating an Issue
in JIRA. This data is transmitted to JIRA on issue creation only.
- In the Issue Tracker, Last Activity Date field is now viewable on the issues grid.
- When adding users to collaboration from administration page, the field now filters
the users based on the minimum required access level. Collaboration administration
page now shows the minimum access level required to get into the collaboration.
- Added SOA Services menu in Asset Repository.
- Document Library checks for duplicates when adding new documents.
- Accessing SOI Version from SOA service page now sends to correct version of the
- Updated Skin.
- Several other minor bug fixes.
Version 5.5 (March 4, 2016)
- Updated SOA service module to read new CTIA service agreements and appendices file
Version 5.4 (October 23, 2015)
- Upgraded portal framework
- Upgraded Telerik tools
- Upgraded forums module to run on the new portal framework
- Updated several modules to run on the new portal framework
- Fixed a bug where the Hardware Specification document is not displayed after it
has been updated.
Version 5.3 (August 7, 2015)
- Collaboration files now allow # in the file names
- Emails will not be sent to deleted users
- Issue Tracker shows history records in server local time
- Portal asks the users to update their profile every 45 days instead of every 6 months
- In CACP, added fine grained edit attachment permissions for submitter based on the
CACP state
- Added search functionality on CACP edit view
- Updates 'Set Email Group' section of the CACP States admin page to load faster
- Created fine grained permissions per helpdesk basis and each predefined links on
the help desk
- Added fine grained permissions based on roles on document library module to support
allowing only CM users to upload documents
- On load, the Document Library module shows only the documents the user has permissions
- Added the ability to add documents for TaaS Portal Users in the document Library
- Added document numbers in global search for documents in document library
- Fixed a bug when adding a new revision, some of carry forwarded dependencies were
not being displayed
- Allows RISCon public users the ability to access RISCon Issue Tracker
- Several other minor bug fixes
Version 5.2 (May 8, 2015)
- Fixed the issue where portal was creating duplicate PTRs when creating PTRs in JIRA
- Added the ability for CACP authors to delete and add CACP attachments
- Added a field to CACP to map it to core asset(s)
- Added the capability to add Government Lead Engineer(s) for programs and they will
get notified if new CACPs and updates to the existing CACP for their programs. Also,
added the ability to add Govt. Lead(s) on individual CACP.
- Fixed the email template issue where category information was wrong when a comment
is added to a CACP.
- Now a component can be marked Obsolete.
- Added the ability to remove multiple dependencies with one click in the asset browser.
- Added the capability to serve documents from Flare.
Version 5.1 (February 6, 2015)
- If build number is not present on dependency SOA service link, on click it will
take the user to the latest build number for the give major.minor version. Also,
removed version number from each section of a service and contract detail page.
- Fixed the issue where tool dependency links when clicked are lacking information.
- Fixed an issue in CACP - When CACP is updated the email sent out for administrators
have incorrectly formatted text.
- Improved response time for CACP details page.
- Added Workaround and Steps To Reproduce fields for Helpdesk Issue trackers.
- Numerous bug fixes.
Version 5.0 (November 6, 2014)
- Portal moved to new hardware.
- Changed the LT2 portal feedback email to admin@lt2portal.mil.
Version 4.5 (October 24, 2014)
- Added description, runtime service dependencies, SOI compatibility and third party
dependencies for SOA services.
- Issue Tracker sends Reporting Product information when creating a Bug or New Feature
in JIRA.
- A DoD Consent Banner is shown when logging into the portal.
- Now the minimum password length is changed to 15 characters. The password should
contain at least 2 special characters, 2 digits, 2 uppercase characters and 2 lowercase
- Session time out is changed to 15 minutes.
- Password needs to be changed every 45 days.
Version 4.4 (September 22, 2014)
- Made enhancements to Issue Tracker to allow issues to be created in JIRA instead
of ClearQuest. Any comments and attachments added to the issue on portal are synchronized
to JIRA and vice versa. The status changes on the JIRA issue is shown on the Issue
details page. Also, if an issue came from WFF Portal and the JIRA issue is created,
WFF Portal issue is kept in sync with JIRA comments, attachments and status changes.
- Now the description field on the issue allows new lines in the text.
- Fixed a bug in Document Number Generator where recreating Part List option is not
available when Part List is deleted before for a Drawing.
Version 4.3 (June 27, 2014)
- Initial support for SOA services
- When requesting membership into collab areas the dropdown of available areas will
default to the current collab area you are viewing.
- Numerous bug fixes
Version 4.2 (April 25, 2014)
- The CACP area now has more granular permissions, administrators can be designated
to administer only CACP’s with certain requesting programs.
- Numerous enhancements and bug fixes.
Version 4.1.1 (April 15, 2014)
- Added file streaming capabilities to the front page news area.
- File downloads now always display their total size before the download completes,
the download percent complete will now be accurate.
Version 4.1 (March 14, 2014)
- Added new Milestone Plugin assets to the Asset Repository.
- Changed the look and feel of the FAQ pages all over the LT2 Portal.
- Updated the look and feel of the Glossary area.
- Added new "Government non-DoD" option for Service Affiliation when registering for
a new account.
- Enhancements made to the Collaboration, News and Events, and Files areas.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the CACP area being in an incorrect state, this bug
occurred when navigating back and forth from specific CACP's to the list of CACP’s.
- Numerous enhancements and bug fixes
Version 4.0 (December 12, 2013)
- There is a new look and feel for the LT2 Portal.
- The homepage has been completely redesigned and the developer home has been merged
into it.
- The navigation menu has been updated to show more pages that are now grouped together
for easier navigation.
- Many pages in the LT2 Portal have been optimized to take advantage of this new look
such as the CACP area, the Issue Tracker, Collaboration Files area, and the Collaborations
Main Area. Other pages in the portal will be updated in future updates.
- Please let us know if you find any graphical issues by emailing
lt2portalhost@ideorlando.org or by submitting a ticket in the LT2 Portal Issue
- Numerous enhancements and bug fixes
Version 3.12 (October 4, 2013)
- Improved the performance of the User Management area (Admins Only)
- Changed pages that list all users to not use a dropdown and instead use a filtering
text-box. This will improve performance on many pages.
- Asset Repository Enhancements:
- Added Bulk Component Version and Revision Upload Capabilities
- Updated all of the asset edit pages to use the same POC control as the Add Asset
- Made the Components Table View significantly faster
- Fixed issues that existed when applying filters on the components schedule view
- Numerous bug fixes
- The CACP area now numbers CACP’s consistently throughout all pages
- The CACP filters have been enhanced so that custom filters and category filters
now work at the same time.
- Document Number Generator Enhancements:
- Dash numbers are now allowed as subdocuments under Technical Documents
- Simple text filtering is now allowed on existing Document Numbers
- Issue Tracker administrators can now customize which fields appear by default in
the help desk or collab area, what those fields are called, and if they are required.
- New short URL’s allow quick access to Products, Architectures, and their HelpDesks
Version 3.11 (June 13, 2013)
- Document Number Generator updated
- Parts Lists and Drawing can now be created
- Fiscal Year is no longer a requirement for new document numbers
- Document Library document can now have a Document Number which can link to the numbers
created by the Document Number Generator.
- The CACP field “PTR or Issue Tracker Number or Link” is now editable by the submitter
of a CACP
- The response time of the Issue Tracker has been improved
- Standards pages (like the LTS Test Bed Application page) can now be created by users
and submitted for the CCB for approval
- Numerous other enhancements and bug fixes
Version 3.10.1 (May 30, 2013)
- Added a link to the PM TRADE Interface Standards Working Group to the front page
under the Standards section.
- Minor bug fixes
Version 3.10 (April 16, 2013)
- New Forums module which provides more stability, an updated look, and other enhancements
- The Issue Tracker can now create Requirements Changes in ClearQuest. If ClearQuest
integration is enabled for a Helpdesk, to create a PTR in ClearQuest for an issue
make sure that the type is set to Problem Report and to create a RC make sure the
type is set to Enhancement Request.
- The LT2 Portal framework has been updated. This change will result in a faster and
more stable experience.
- The Sign In area has a new look. This change will improve the reset password and
update password experience.
- Numerous enhancements and bug fixes
Version 3.9 (February 8, 2013)
- The LT2 Portal now has an RSS feed where you can access the latest news and events
that are posted. The RSS feed is located at https://www.lt2portal.mil/rss.xml
- New users must now enter a military service affiliation upon registration.
- CACP required Impact Assessment reminders can now be customized so that they are
sent during a selected interval.
- New LT2 Document Number Generator will create document numbers when given the Organization,
the Document Type, and the documents Fiscal Year.
- Technology Compass now available to all users from the homepage, just click the
compass on the left side of the page.
- Numerous enhancements and bug fixes
Version 3.8 (November 19, 2012)
- New Requirements Automation area
- The Requirements Automation are allows users to review and create requirements and
requirement documents.
- When submitting new Component Revisions, Product Revisions, or Architecture Revisions
you can now carry forward dependencies and compatibilities from previous releases.
- Collaboration areas now allow custom links to be added to the left side of each
- CACP administrators can now require specific users to submit Impact Assessments
- New Standards and ICD areas on the front page of the portal and within the Asset
- The Architect Hours and CAWG Meeting Topics areas have been combined to the same
- Numerous enhancements and bug fixes
Version 3.7 (August 31, 2012)
- Issue tracker enhancements include view description and comments on the view issue
grid. Also, added planned date to the view options.
- Changes to ClearQuest dashboards include addition of new state and roll up charts,
filter by target release, for time charts new predefined filtering attributes (weekly,
quarterly, yearly etc.), it also custom date range selection. Also, added renaming
the charts and specifying maximum Y-axis value. (if the max value specified is too
small for the chart, it will ignore the max value and plot the chart)
- Added Component and Product ScoreCard feature.
- Updated look and feel of the Document Library
- Users can now submit documents to the Document Library
- The CPM page now has a CM Documents section
- CACP’s now have the same states and fields across all categories (ACP’s, C2P’s,
and STD’s now have the same meta-data)
- Added new Metrics to CACP area
- Added email notifications to the CACP area
- The Asset Repository now allows Component Version and Revisions to be added using
a single form
- Numerous enhancements and bug fixes
Version 3.6 (May 24, 2012)
- Upgraded portal framework to the latest version, this will improve speed and security.
- CACP now remembers your filters, sorting, and view options when pressing the browser
back button
- Front page News and Events can now have attachments
- New Add Asset screens in the LT2 Repository
- Dramatic improvement in collaboration area speed.
- Improvements to the RFID area
- Added ClearQuest PTR metrics Dashboard
- Updated IAVA Tracker. Updates include default sort order is ascending order by IAVA
notice number, Edit product details grid to be editable on single click, planned
complete date cascade update from IAVA to Product and site details, default user
assignment based on product and site, edit capability for users to which an IAVA
product detail is assigned etc..
- Minor enhancement to Issue Tracker. Changes include new IsComplete flag on Status
definition and added due date/need data value in the issue emails.
- Numerous bug fixes
Version 3.5 (February 15, 2012)
- Many updates to the Collaboration Files area:
- New windows are used for all popups in the files area (add new file/folder, update
file/folder, view subscriptions, view clipboard)
- Files area now has search built into the top in the toolbar
- Search results can now be "explored" to so that the full path of a file is visible
- Files now keep track of their history
- The side popup for a file is now more responsive
- The Collaboration administration, request membership, and request area screens have
had their look updated.
- New “My Collaborations” pane when logged into a collaboration area lets you quickly
switch between the collaboration areas you are a member of.
- Many updates to the CACP area:
- Metrics now allows for bar charts
- Quick search has been added which searches ID, Name, and Description
- Admin items can now be designated to be viewable by all users or only admins
- Impact assessment answer can now be yes, no, or N/A
- numerous minor bug fixes
- Product area enhancement – Product Installations can now be updated to have a different
product revision or a different location
- Help desk Issue Tracker Integration with ClearQuest.
- Other enhancements to Issue Tracker include:
- Popup control is used for adding and editing an issue.
- Edit multiple issues on one click for admins/Chairs
- Comments can be editable by admins and the user who entered it.
- Can Edit the Issue directly from the View Issues page.
- Help desk can be configured to be accessible by public users.
- Numerous enhancement and bug fixes
Version 3.4 (November 4, 2011)
- New look to Asset Repository
- The Asset Repository has had its look updated to be more intuitive and display more
information in fewer pages
- New look to User Registration
- The user registration and update account areas have a new look and gather more information
than before
- Periodically on login, users will be required to update their profiles in order
to keep the information up to date
- All users will be required to update their profiles upon first login after this
- New user demographic metrics in the Dashboards area
- New Member List area to collaboration areas which shows all users in the group along
with contact information and demographic information
- The CACP area can now be exported to PDF, Word, Excel, and CSV files
- Numerous enhancement and bug fixes
Version 3.3 (July 18, 2011)
- Front Page Automation
- Users can subscribe to new Events, News, and Briefings on the front page
- Users can submit Events, News, and Briefings for administrative approval
- Collaboration Areas can now be "Invite Only" and hidden from users until an administrator
from that group invites them
- Components can have multiple installer files
- More user information available to collaboration area administrators (Phone Number
and Organization)
- New CACP Area replaces both the ACP and C2P areas
- Numerous enhancement and bug fixes
Version 3.2 (May 3, 2011)
- New look and feel
- New large background image that changes every time a page loads
- New menu across the top of the page
- New look to checkboxes, many text boxes, and many dropdown lists
- New IAVA Tracker available in the Collaboration Areas
- Gives the ability to enter new IAVA
- Gives the ability to manage and assign IAVAs to users based product or product site
- Displays IAVA metrics in Flash charts.
- New RFID area under the LT2 Repository section
- Allows users to request a range of RFID codes and guarantees that range is unique
- Numerous enhancement and bug fixes
Version 3.1 (February 25, 2011)
- Help Desk Issue Tracker is integrated with War Fighter Focus Issue Tracker.
- Once the WFF Portal is updated, issues will be transmitted to the LT2 Portal when
a user in WFF creates an issue.
- Modifications made to the issues which come from the WFF Portal will be continuously
synced, which will give the WFF Portal users the current status of the issues which
are worked on in the LT2 Portal.
- New Dashboards Page
- Displays metrics in 3 different dashboards: Issues, Product Line, and Portal Usage
- Issues are displayed using Flash charts that have a more robust look than any charts
previously housed in the LT2 Portal.
- Collaboration Areas can now be “Source Access Only” so only users with source access
can become members.
- Updated the color scheme of the Developer areas of the LT2 Portal to closer match
the front page.
- Consolidated Product Line Management (CPM) information is available at
- Numerous enhancement and bug fixes
Version 3.0 (November 19, 2010)
- The LT2 Portal has a completely new front page that is much more visually appealing
and interactive. Click the "Develop" link at the bottom to go to the old home page
or visit https://www.lt2portal.mil/develop.
Version 2.14 (September 3, 2010)
- Improved the Asset Upload Webservice to allow updating assets
- You can get complete Asset Upload Webservice XML files for a Component, Component
Revision, Tool, Product, Product Version, Product Revision, Architecture, Architecture
Version, or Architecture Revision by going to their edit page and clicking on a
new link
- Third Party Tools can now have dependencies on other tools and can have Product
- There is no longer a "Common Component" designation in the LT2 Repository
- ACP page now has more powerful filtering capability and more view options
- ACP and C2P areas now have a single-page print view
- The links on the left side of a collaboration area can now have their text be customizable
for each collaboration area
- LT2 Components Help Desk now has a CWG Meeting Agenda area that works just like
Architect Hours works in the CTIA Help Desk.
- Numerous enhancement and bug fixes
Version 2.13 (May 17, 2010)
- The LT2 Portal loads faster and has a smaller footprint
- New way to upload information to the LT2 Components, Architecture, or Product area
via a web service.
- More descriptive popups in the LT2 Components area
- The collaboration files area has been updated to make simple commands on files easier
to execute, just hover over the file name and commands will pop up.
- The C2P area now links to the LT2 Components Issue Tracker and the ACP area now
links to the CTIA Issue Tracker
- Numerous enhancement and bug fixed
Version 2.12 (February 19, 2010)
- New collaboration areas can be made "Public" and be accessible to anyone regardless
of clearance levels or project affiliations
- LT2 Component-Product relationships have been revamped, Products "Use" Components
while components have an "Owner"
- LT2 Components now keep track of their "Pedigree", the component that this component
is based on
- Inventory for Product Installations can now be massed imported via a spreadsheet
- Numerous enhancements and bug fixes
Version 2.11 (December 11, 2009)
- New Collaboration Files area
- New Collaboration Calendar/Events area
- You can now send Outlook Meeting Reminders via the Collaboration Email area
- C2Ps can now be created based on an Issue Tracker issues
- Numerous Bug Fixes and Enhancements
Version 2.10 (August 7, 2009)
- New Architecture Change Process area listed under the Collaboration menu item
- Updated C2P area to display metrics
- Added ability to import component dependencies into the Asset Repository via a spreadsheet
- Hardware Specifications are now available in the Asset Repository
- The timeout screen is now modal and will no longer be able to be bypassed
- The website is now compatible with Internet Explorer 8
- Products can now display news on the front page
- Minor updates to the Issue Tracker
Version 2.9 (May 29, 2009)
- New C2P Area
- Updated Files area in Collaborations
- Read-only permissions in Collaborations area
- Collaboration area moderators can now assign a user as “Read Only” for an area in
that collaboration group.
- Component Requirements are now searchable
- Numerous minor bug fixes.
Version 2.8 (March 13, 2009)
- Portal framework updated
- The LT2 Portal framework has been updated; this will provide a safer and faster
experience on the LT2 Portal.
- Improvement to Collaboration Areas
- Administrators of Collab Areas can now control what functions are available to their
collab areas (Tasks, Email, Forums, Files, etc)
- Member administration of Collab Areas is now more powerful and easier to use.
- Three new areas available for collaboration areas:
- Issues: The Help Desk Issue Tracker is now available to Colab Areas
- Risks: A Risk Manager much like the Issue Tracker available to Collab Areas
- Inventory: A spreadsheet with customizable columns available to keep track of inventory.
- Success notifications have been added throughout the LT2 Portal
- Notifications are now present any time you take an action in the LT2 Portal to let
you know that the action has succeeded.
- New reports available in Site Metrics
- Added users by web browser and page accesses by web browser reports.
- Many graphical glitches when viewing in Safari, Google Chrome, and IE8 have been
- Numerous minor bug fixes.
Version 2.7 (December 19, 2008)
- LT2 Repository Enhancements
- Success/Error messages now appear at the top of the page and are more visible.
- ICD revisions are now added like component revisions.
- New Architect Hours Page
- New Architect Hours page located in the CTIA Help Desk where users can add topics
for the next Architect Hour’s Meeting.
- Tutorial Enhancements
- Tutorials are now created as standalone HTML files that are uploaded to the portal.
- Help Desk Enhancements
- Added the ability to add custom links to specific help desks.
- Issue Tracker Enhancements
- Added the ability to save filters as subscriptions.
Version 2.6 (October 17, 2008)
- Toolbars throughout the portal have a new look and feel.
- Issue Tracker Enhancements
- An issue can now be input for multiple components at once.
- Issues can now have links to related issues.
- Asset Reports Enhancements
- Reports can be made for Database Schemas.
- C3P Enhancements
- It is now possible to have multiple moderators.
- Moderators can now edit C3P proposals.
- Emails are sent by the C3P area when proposals are added or updated.
- LT2 Repository Enhancements
- Added FCG Image View to easily add the components FCG view to documents.
- The approve assets area now has filtering by user.
- Editing component requirements is now simpler.
- Collaboration Enhancements
- Collab area mods will get reminder emails when membership requests are not acted
- Duplicate membership requests are no longer allowed.
- Glossary Enhancements
- Users can now submit suggested glossary terms that will be accepted or denied by
the Portal CCB.
- Glossary search now highlights where search terms were found.
- Less space between terms so more terms fit on the screen at once.
Version 2.5 (August 11, 2008)
- LT2 Repository Enhancements
- Database Schemas can now be added to the repository and displayed to users.
- Redesigned asset entry workflow allows developers to review assets before they are
reviewed by the CCB.
- Requirements can now be stored on a per component version basis on the LT2 Portal.
The requirements are visible in the details page for any software component.
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes
- Updated menu choices in the front page and tool bars for the LT2 Repository.
- Updated icons throughout the entire portal.
- Added a new Links module that allows the display of links in a 2D grid.
- Added sorting functionality to the main Forums page.
- Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes.
Version 2.4 (May 30, 2008)
- New logout popup allows you to log in on the fly after you connection times out
- After you have been logged out for not being active for 10 minutes, a popup will
appear that allows you to log right back in.
- Asset Browser Enhancements
- New schedule view allows you to see software components in a chart showing their
start date, end date, and percent complete.
- Component detail pages now show dependencies in a tree form
- Product Enhancements
- New deployment map view allows you to see where a product has been installed on
an interactive map
- New dependency view shows you all dependencies, component usages, and architecture
compatibilities of a product in an expandable tree
- Performance in the Architecture and Product areas has dramatically been improved
- Document Library has more filters and now you can show or hide columns
- More Help Desks exist on the portal:
- Specific products
- Specific architectures
- Components
- Portal
- Other standalone help desks can be created
- Numerous enhancements and minor bug fixes
Version 2.3 (March 31, 2008)
- New look and feel for the LT2 Portal
- New colors and containers all over the LT2 Portal.
- Most pages will now have an information popup on the right side when you hover over
the “i” icon.
- The left panel can now be expanded and collapse so that the main content of the
page will have more room.
- The LT2 Portal is now centered.
- Search is now available on every page at the top right corner.
- Asset Browser Enhancements
- The components tree view is more efficient with populate-on-demand.
- Release files are accessible from both the tree view and table view for components;
there is no longer a need to go into asset details pages to get files.
- Architecture information is now added via the Asset Browser Wizard.
- Products and Architectures have updated administrative areas.
- Numerous minor bug fixes
Version 2.2.1 (February 1, 2008)
- Addition of CCCP Module
- Located under the Collaboration - Commmon Component Change Proposals menu
- This module allows component users/developers to request changes to existing components
by submitting a Common Component Change Proposal.
- Group Email and Help Desk interfaces have been improved
- Numerous minor bug fixes
Version 2.2 (December 20, 2007)
- New Products Area
- Located under the LT2 Repository - LT2 Products menu
- Products will now have release files, documentation, and inventories stored on the
LT2 Portal
- New Help Desk Area
- Every product will have a help desk with links to forums, FAQ’s, and Issue Tracking
for each product
- The LT2 Portal will have its own help desk where users can get information about
the portal and submit feedback and changes to the portal
- Updated administrative area in the Asset Browser
- Course Catalog courses can now be deleted
- Improved usability and stability of the LT2 Survey
- Asset Reports now retrieves information about LT2 Products
- Group email interface has been improved
- Numerous minor bug fixes
Version 2.1 (October 31, 2007)
- Addition of Group Email
- Addition of Portal footer
- Enhancements
- Roles associated with tutorials
- Software components associated with compatible architectures
- Architecture support in the Rucksack
- More filters in collaboration task area
- Collaboration task printing
- Numerous minor bug fixes
Version 2.0 (August 28, 2007)
- Upgrade to the latest version of DotNetNuke Framework (4.5.5)
- Several performance enhancements
- Hundreds of minor bug fixes
- Numerous minor feature enhancements
- Conversion to Common Portal Engine baseline
- Enhancements to FileGatekeeper
- Allows for permissions on subfolders
- Numerous minor feature enhancements
- Tutorials can now be viewed in a full page with more readable images
- Collaboration Files now show download count and who downloaded
- Improved Collaboration Task List user interface
- Audio cue added to Logout message
- Enhanced logging and more subscription options
- Numerous minor bug fixes
Version 1.5.1 (July 20, 2007)
- Enhancements to Asset Browser
- Improved navigation
- Addition of ICD Repository
- Enhancements to Rucksack
- Dependency Reports
- More Download options
- Addition of Administrative Reset Password functionality
- Numerous minor bug fixes
Version 1.5 (June 25, 2007)
- Addition of Portal Search Capability
- Addition of Subscriptions Manager
- Addition of LT2 Help Desk
- Addition of LT2 Forums
- Addition of LT2 Issue Tracker
- Addition of Document Approval
- Enhancements to Collaboration
- Now can attach multiple files to group emails
- Enhanced logging
- Numeous bug fixes
Version 1.4 (April 16, 2007)
- Addition of LT2 Tutorials
- Addition of LT2 Course Catalog
- Enhancements to Asset Browser
- Addition of Asset Creation Wizard
- Addition of FASIT Architecture
- Addition of Asset Reports functionality
- Numerous look and feel enhancements
- Numerous minor bug fixes
Version 1.3 (February 9, 2007)
- Addition of LT2 Document Library
- Addition of LT2 Glossary
- Addition of Collaboration Membership List
- Enhanced Performance to CTIA area
- FCG View now has scrollbar capabilities
- New link in homepage to Asset Browser FCG View
- You can now remove yourself from a collaboration group
- The chair of a collaboration group can now change chairmanship to another member
of the group
- You can now add attachments to emails sent to a collaboration group through the
collaboration email page
- The timeout message now appears more consistently and works better
- The timeout message now follows you as you scroll through a page
- Improved logging and metrics
- Assets now have 'Licensing and Royalties' information
- Fixed a bug in the collaboration files area that did not allow you to download huge
(100+ MB) files
- New metrics report: Logins by Hour
- New metrics report: Logins per Month
- New metrics report: Number of Registered Users per Month
- New metrics report: Downloads per Month by User Program
- The collaboration tasks area now displays the Task ID in the details page
- The collaboration tasks area now gives you the full text of a task in a tooltip
when hovering over the title
- New tasks filters: 'Show All Open Tasks' and 'Show All Closed Tasks'
- Asset descriptions can now be in full HTML (including pictures)
- Improved Email functionality when adding and administering assets
- Tooltips added to CTIA area